My Birth Story with Baby #2

I meant to write this blog post a long time ago but life with a toddler and newborn is busy, to say the least. I’ve always been one to be open and honest about my pregnancy and birthing experience. I think if more of us felt comfortable sharing, less of us would be judged or shameful about our own journey. My hope, once again, is that someone feels touched by reading this and less alone.


My Birth Story with Baby #22023-07-20T09:21:54-05:00

My Fertility Journey Round 2

When I sat down to write this blog, I started and stopped multiple times. I wasn’t sure what I was writing or if sharing my story was even worth it. Whenever I get personal, I want my story to help someone else along their journey. I want fewer people to feel alone when facing infertility. Have a read-through and let me know. 


My Fertility Journey Round 22023-01-25T21:37:18-05:00

How Do I Calculate My Ovulation?

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me “how do I calculate my ovulation?”….well I would be on a beach vacation right now. So how do you know when you ovulate? Spoiler alert, it’s not your phone app!


How Do I Calculate My Ovulation?2022-03-02T10:58:50-05:00

My Grocery Non-Negotiables: Why This Leads To Success

My goal for 2022? Help more patients reach their health goals. I’ve been thinking a lot lately as to why some people achieve their health goals and others fall short. What barriers get in the way, what habits set people up for success, what are common setbacks and so forth.


My Grocery Non-Negotiables: Why This Leads To Success2022-01-26T15:15:59-05:00

My Postpartum Journey

I’ve been holding off writing this blog post for many reasons. For one, I see so many women who struggle with infertility and I felt guilty discussing my own postpartum struggles. 


My Postpartum Journey2021-12-06T11:19:39-05:00

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

“My hair won’t stop falling out” “I’m so stressed, every time I take a shower and see clumps of hair on the tile” “I’ve tried all the hair loss products, none of them worked” Sound familiar?


Getting to the Root of Hair Loss2021-11-24T09:54:50-05:00

Going Skin Deep To Treat Acne

‘I don’t mind my acne.’ Said NO ONE ever. Acne is incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re an adult. As a Naturopathic Doctor with a clinical focus on hormones and PCOS, I see a lot of acne in my practice.


Going Skin Deep To Treat Acne2021-10-12T10:27:25-05:00

Fertility Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Granola

It’s Pumpkin Season. Enter pumpkin spice granola. This is the perfect fertility-friendly recipe for those who are trying to conceive. The combination of warming spices and oats helps nourish the body and promote flow to the uterus.


Fertility Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Granola2021-10-07T13:32:01-05:00

How To Make the Best Eggs

You might be familiar with the term egg quality, but what exactly does that mean? This refers to the likelihood of an embryo implanting based on the health of the eggs (psst, sperm is also important!). Although IVF can help you become pregnant, it does not improve egg quality.


How To Make the Best Eggs2021-09-29T19:48:23-05:00

Recipe Alert! Carrot Cake Lactation Cookies

Just because something is ‘natural’ does not mean it is easy. Take breastfeeding for instance. Many, I mean many, new mamas struggle with a variety of breastfeeding issues. Low supply, clogged ducts, mastitis, thrush, tongue-tie, difficult latch, pain, cracked/sore nipples, the list goes on!


Recipe Alert! Carrot Cake Lactation Cookies2021-05-02T15:59:55-05:00

Maternity Leave Notice

Where did the time go? I’m honestly still in shock that I’m expecting baby #1 in May! We are very excited as the time has flown by quickly and we are looking forward to meeting baby soon. After a wild ride to get here, including our first IVF cycle being cancelled due to COVID-19, we are feeling truly grateful and appreciative of all the support we’ve received this year.


Maternity Leave Notice2021-04-19T09:17:45-05:00

Why Do Embryos Arrrest?

This is one of the most heartbreaking moments; a patient is told they have no viable embryos available for a transfer upon completing a round of IVF. After an egg retrieval, the clinic embryologist will send updates on the fertilization rate, day 3 progress and the final embryo count on days 5,6, or 7. This is an incredibly nerve-wracking and stressful time for patients.


Why Do Embryos Arrrest?2021-03-17T07:36:29-05:00