20 Ridiuclously Easy Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely critical for maintenance of good health. Below are 20 easy ways to improve your sleep hygiene and catch some zzz’s at night.
Getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely critical for maintenance of good health. Below are 20 easy ways to improve your sleep hygiene and catch some zzz’s at night.
These days it seems like every other product in the grocery store is labeled “gluten-free” (GF). In addition, there is the fast growing trend for restaurants to highlight GF items on their menus. While this is great for people who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there are still many hidden sources of gluten. If you are on a strict GF diet for medical or health purposes, you really need to read food labels and be aware of what does and doesn’t contain gluten.
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Although I always recommend my patients pack lunch the night before, fast-food options are plentiful in downtown Toronto and dining out is a common social event. If you find yourself drowning in the plethora of fast-food options at your local food court, here is a quick guide to making healthy decisions on the fly.
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After posting a picture of my homemade granola bars, I was flooded with recipes requests! Here are the two recipes I used for the bars pictured below. If you want more recipes, book an appointment with me today to receive an individualized meal plan that suits your dietary needs and preferences.
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Have you heard about the Mediterranean Diet? Unlike most fad diets, it is more of a lifestyle than a diet. The Mediterranean Diet focuses on changing your approach to food and your cooking habits. In addition, it is easy to follow and uses ingredients commonly found in your kitchen and local grocery store. Unlike most diets, the Mediterranean diet is evidence-based, meaning there is strong research to support its role in reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors and even overall mortality. It has also been shown to improve blood sugar control for diabetes prevention and decrease levels […]
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post on stocking a healthy fridge for spring cleaning. Part 2 focuses on stocking a healthy pantry giving you the tools you need to make positive changes. Set your Spotify to your favourite playlist and get ready to clean out that pantry and ditch the junk!
It seems like everywhere we go, we are surrounded by toxic chemicals in our environment. From our cosmetics to bedding, the food in our fridge and the air we breath, it is impossible to live a 100% toxic free life. However, there are steps you can take in your life to reduce your toxic burden and find healthier replacements for everyday living. Environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals is something I discuss with all my patients, especially those with infertility issues. As the evidence continues to emerge on how these chemicals affect our health and body, the goal […]
Looking to detox this spring? Start by detoxing your fridge and removing all the unhealthy food. Below is a list of what to toss and what to keep to help re-boot your diet and keep your eating habits on track.
This post was inspired by an article I read in the Globe and Mail by Leslie Beck. She is one of my favourite columnists and always offers sensible, no-fail advice ideas that work for the majority of people. Read below for my spin on spring cleaning
I feel honoured and privileged to start treating patients at the RSNC this week. I firmly believe in creating a personalized naturopathic experience, at an affordable price for. Please click on the ‘Book an Appointment’ tab for more information, all are welcome! If you have questions about what we do as naturopathic medical interns or how I practice, do not hesitate to contact me at info@lauravonhagen.com
Getting the recommended 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day isn’t always an easy feat. Here are four healthy and delicious ways to add more vegges into your daily diet.
As Noodles
Zucchini noodles are all the craze and it is easy to see why. They are tasty, simple to make and a great substitute for people looking to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diet. This delicious Rainbow Pad Thai from OhSheGlows is fan favorite. I followed the recipe exactly, then added some shrimp on top for extra protein. If you do not own a spiralizer, a […]
Have you ever heard the quote “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” The answer is probably yes, but does the average citizen take this advice to heart? Apparently not, as a survey conducted by The Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition showed that “less than two thirds of Canadians” eat breakfast daily. Translating literally to “break the fast”, breakfast is meant to kick start your metabolism after a good night’s sleep. An investigation into the National Weight Control Registry showed that seventy-eight percent of individuals enrolled-people who have lost and maintained a significantly amount of weight-say they […]
Arriving home from Asia, one of the most common phrases I heard was ‘They are all so skinny over there’. Having now visited Japan, I see how a culture of healthy living, excellent public transportation, and food quality over quantity leads to some of the lowest obesity rates around the globe. I don’t think its simply good genes that make this possible, but several lifestyle and cultural choices that lead to slimmer waistlines. Below I have shared some of the secrets to maintaining a healthy weight, while improving your overall food experience and finding more pleasure in what […]
Now that I’m over halfway through my third year of Naturopathic Medicine, I find more and more friends and family coming to me for medical advice. I absolutely love helping people, but since I cannot technically ‘treat’ anybody at this time, I always suggest some overarching lifestyle principles and refer them to an ND in their area. When I reflect on what people approach me about the most, the #2 most frequent question I get is “should I eat organic?” In case you’re curious, the #1 is “Does that mean you’re anti-vaccine because you’re going to be a Naturopath?” (FYI […]
After surviving a week of midterms and too many assignments to count, my arms felt like they were going to fall off and the idea of writing a blog post was the last thing I wanted to do. Luckily my incredible intern at our school clinic was able to fix my sore arm with a couple acupuncture needles, so it was back to the writing for me! I follow a couple blogs and Facebook groups regularly, and lately there were several articles that caught my eye and resonated with me on multiple levels. I felt these would be great articles […]