Healthy Costco Shopping List-Everything You Need!

Time and time again I hear people say “I want to eat healthily, but it’s too expensive”. Especially during the holiday season, it’s easy to let your health take the back burner when parties, gifts, work deadlines and holiday expenses begin to pile up.


Healthy Costco Shopping List-Everything You Need!2019-03-27T13:34:07-05:00

The Chronicles of PMS- Happening This Thursday Dec 7th!

Many people think their ‘period issues’ are something they have to deal with each month. This is simply NOT true. There is no reason you should miss work because of raging emotions or cramps so painful you can’t get out of bed. Need several extra strength Advil to survive your period? ……common, but not normal.


The Chronicles of PMS- Happening This Thursday Dec 7th!2019-01-24T16:54:51-05:00