
With Holiday Season right around the corner, it’s time to Deck the Halls, pull out those ugly Christmas Sweaters, and prepare yourself for an extravaganza of holiday eats, treats, and drinks….and the inevitable hangover that comes with it. After a weekend of slightly overindulging this past Halloween, I felt inclined to write a post on avoiding the Christmas hangover. These 6 strategies will help you get out of bed and back into a functioning state.

  1. Stick to the clear- Dark coloured spirits contain greater amounts of a substance called congeners. These interfere with cell functioning, leading to a worsening of hangover symptoms (headache, stomach upset) the next morning. Your best options include gin and vodka.
  2. Guzzle up (water….that is)- Once you ‘break the seal’, those constant trips to the bathroom can leave you dehydrated. This leads to symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. My rule is one glass of water for every alcoholic drink. For example, if you are at a party, alternate every glass of wine with a glass of fresh water or Perrier.
  3. Get your Electrolytes- Because alcohol is a diuretic, it causes depletion of both water and salts quickly from your body. It is important to replace both fluid and electrolytes the next morning. My go-to options are coconut water (check label to make sure it does not contain added sugar), Ultima Replenisher Powder and Nuun Tablets. Stay away from sports drinks because the high amounts of glucose and added artificial colours and preservatives can make things worse.
  4. Replenish those B’s – Alcohol depletes B vitamins from your liver, which are necessary for proper liver functioning and elimination of waste. Ask your Naturopathic Doctor for a good quality B Vitamin to take before and after you drink.
  5. Stock up on Asian Pear Juice- Studies have shown that ingestion of 220ml of Korean Pear Juice before drinking reduced hangover severity by 21% and decreased symptoms of impaired memory and sensitivity to light. You can purchase Korean Pear Juice at your local Asian grocery.
  6. Chew on some Ginger- Ginger is renowned for it’s anti-nausea effects. Chewing on a couple pieces of candied ginger the morning after, or a fresh cup of ginger tea, may help alleviates tummy troubles and sooth the digestive tract

Want More Tips? Book an appointment today to discuss strategies for making healthy food choices at holiday parties and sticking to your diet plan.
