How To Make the Best Eggs

You might be familiar with the term egg quality, but what exactly does that mean? This refers to the likelihood of an embryo implanting based on the health of the eggs (psst, sperm is also important!). Although IVF can help you become pregnant, it does not improve egg quality.


How To Make the Best Eggs2021-09-29T19:48:23-05:00

Recipe Alert! Carrot Cake Lactation Cookies

Just because something is ‘natural’ does not mean it is easy. Take breastfeeding for instance. Many, I mean many, new mamas struggle with a variety of breastfeeding issues. Low supply, clogged ducts, mastitis, thrush, tongue-tie, difficult latch, pain, cracked/sore nipples, the list goes on!


Recipe Alert! Carrot Cake Lactation Cookies2021-05-02T15:59:55-05:00

Maternity Leave Notice

Where did the time go? I’m honestly still in shock that I’m expecting baby #1 in May! We are very excited as the time has flown by quickly and we are looking forward to meeting baby soon. After a wild ride to get here, including our first IVF cycle being cancelled due to COVID-19, we are feeling truly grateful and appreciative of all the support we’ve received this year.


Maternity Leave Notice2021-04-19T09:17:45-05:00

Why Do Embryos Arrrest?

This is one of the most heartbreaking moments; a patient is told they have no viable embryos available for a transfer upon completing a round of IVF. After an egg retrieval, the clinic embryologist will send updates on the fertilization rate, day 3 progress and the final embryo count on days 5,6, or 7. This is an incredibly nerve-wracking and stressful time for patients.


Why Do Embryos Arrrest?2021-03-17T07:36:29-05:00

My Third Trimester Pregnancy Update

We are finally in the home stretch! Some days I pinch myself and can’t believe this is happening. I’m grateful for the ongoing support and words of encouragement I’ve received from my family, friends and midwives during this wild ride. 


My Third Trimester Pregnancy Update2021-03-01T08:46:48-05:00

Pregnancy Update: My Second Trimester And Dealing With Common Concerns


Oh, the second trimester of pregnancy aka the honeymoon phase. Now I get why people call it that. Other than the baby kicking (lots!) there are times I forget I’m pregnant.



Oh, the second trimester of pregnancy aka the honeymoon phase. Now I get why people call it that. Other than the baby kicking (lots!) there are times I forget I’m pregnant.


Pregnancy Update: My Second Trimester And Dealing With Common Concerns2021-01-25T08:59:35-05:00

Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy: A Survival Guide

Let’s talk morning sickness or in my case, all day sickness. I was nauseous the minute my little embryo started producing hCG, which means my nausea started even before my first blood test to confirm my pregnancy. I was just under four weeks pregnant and I woke up with the most intense queasy feeling in my stomach.


Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy: A Survival Guide2020-11-24T11:32:10-05:00

When It’s Not Just PMS

It is estimated that 80% of women experience premenstrual emotional or physical changes each month. Even more concerning, 20-40% of these women reported a decreased quality of life because of these debilitating changes. Of these women, 2-8% will experience severe PMS. At what point is this no longer considered ‘just PMS?’ 

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When It’s Not Just PMS2021-02-10T10:25:11-05:00

My Personal IVF Journey

This photo. For so long I have dreamed, hoped and prayed for this to happen. Our path to parenthood, like so many, was not straightforward. Read my full infertility journey in my latest blog post below.


My Personal IVF Journey2020-11-20T07:52:40-05:00